How to submit

We welcome submission of abstracts for selection for the scientific programme of the 6th ECVM conference. You have the option to submit an abstract for either an oral or poster presentation; if choosing a poster presentation you may also opt for a “flash” (oral) presentation. We anticipate that submitted oral presentations will be 15 minutes in length including time for questions and “Flash” presentations 3 minutes, with no questions (but of course questions and discussion will happen when the poster is presented).

Abstracts should be submitted only online through this form.

Please also note that the Abstract Submission form has some mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*) that must be filled in order to proceed with your submission.

After having submitted your abstract through this form, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. If you wish to update or amend your paper, please resubmit your abstract through this form and email

The notification of acceptance of your paper will be sent no later than 5th July 2024. If you have not received an answer after that date please contact the conference committee:

Abstract submission is now closed.

In the event that you have late breaking research that you would like to present at this conference please email the organisers directly: or

Abstract Format

• Abstracts must be typed in English

• The paper must be typed single-spaced using Arial 11-pitch type letters.

• Paper title should be typed in Upper case bold letters.

• Please include name(s) of author(s) in a new line. Please put initials first. Omit titles. The name of the Presenting Author should be underlined.

• The name of Institution (s) should be included in a separate new line.

• Clarity in presentation is requested. Objectives, methods, results, and conclusions should be stated meaningfully and concisely. Include only a brief description of experimental procedures. Results must include date or statements related to findings. Exclude references. Authors are responsible for the content and quality of abstract preparation and no editing will be done.

• Total number of words should not exceed 250.

• Abstracts will be accepted under the condition that one, at least, author will be registered. In case of non-acceptance and if the author does not wish to participate in the Congress, the registration fees will be refunded.

• Please indicate your preference on the type of presentation. The Scientific Committee has the right of the final decision on the forms of presentation.

Local Organising Committee

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus, College Road, LE12 5RD

T: +44 (0) 115 95 16580



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