2024 Agenda
Discover what we have planned for our two-day event
Explore the topics and subjects we will be discussing at this year’s event. Keynotes and panel discussions are taking place across various rooms and stages, with workshops and change-maker conversations within additional breakouts. The full agenda is being announced soon.
Themes include:
What does good look like in working for food system transformation on the ground with farmers?
Who pays for the transition, how to get incentives to work for farmers and supply chains?
Where is there traction and why, what are the ideas to build on and further develop?
Where supply chain greenhouse gas mitigation projects bump up against system challenges and what to do about it.
Landscape level collaborations that build mutually reinforcing benefits.
How to “be the change”.
This agenda is currently under development, and the complete schedule will be available soon. In the meantime, feel free to explore some of the sessions we have planned.
Please note, welcome drinks will take place on Monday 22nd April and some Council meetings will take place on Thursday 25th April.
For more information on each of the sessions click the down arrow next to the session title.![]()